The Dramas of Thomas Bahamas
Solana Weekly
Solana Weekly #75 - Shipping Szn With An ETF On The Side

Solana Weekly #75 - Shipping Szn With An ETF On The Side

What’s up everybody, it’s Thomas Bahamas and you are here for episode number 75 of Solana Weekly. Big number because this is the amount of Dev’s falsely rumored to be working on Solana. In reality there are many multiples of that and we are in the midst of shipping season with tons of new major milestones being deployed, with the cherry on the top being our boys at VanEck dropping an ETF application. This is huge.

Sol Price: $133.79 - $147.50 - up up and away! Sitting on a 10% increase and will we go higher?

SOLETH: .03802 - .04283 up a casual 23.65%

SOLBTC: .0208 - .0023992 up 15.35%

Wow we are so back.

Vaneck coming with the etf application. We’re pumping and never stopping. Is it likely to pass? No, not right away, but with the changing of the President, this could change the whole dynamic. I don’t think we need an ETF for going on a moon mission, but it sure doesn’t hurt.

btc: waiting for boomers to buy

eth: waiting for boomers to buy

sol: building dope shit for everyone to play around with

Compression - zk compression directly on solana, no l2, no bridging, much eth cope. This will literally make Solana’s fees so small it will be insane. I think if you look at the big picture this combined with firedancer is an insane step forward for solana and blockchains in general. We could see several orders of magnitude increase in what a blockchain can even do.

Blinks - like frames on farcaster, but for fucking everywhere, super sick. Links that create actions on the blockchain directly from anywhere. I swapped Sol to hSOL from a Mert post directly in X. It opened my wallet and I accepted the transaction. It was incredible. Rather than bringing crypto off of mainstream web 2 platforms, Solana inverted that and brought crypto directly to those platforms.

Fun idea: famous fox raffles with the legend watch king raffling off a Rolex where you can bid directly from Twitter. Genius.

Colosseum - Raised a 60 million dollar fund to invest in early Solana projects. Huge.

Jup - to burn $3 billion tokens- tokenomics. Also a continued airdrop. When I think of successful Solana protocols, Jupiter is at the top the list. It’s such a good product and I use it almost daily. I have some staked, but I also just hold a good sized bag because i believe in it.

The other token that comes to mind here is Jito, they are the conversation when it comes to MEV, there is an insane bid on the token, and are only getting more and more important.

Airdrops - is the meta dead?

No. It’s crowded and will get farmed, but the benefits outweigh the negatives.

Interesting protocols will have interesting airdrops. Each business is different and rewarding early usage of their project is amazing. It’s a great way to do this, somewhat easy to track, and a great way for businesses to raise money.

Sanctum - super excited for their airdrop And their platform. This is growing the LST market on solana which is good for the ecosystem, giving great yield to users, and with a token this team will have a well funded long lasting team.

Zex - today! I claimed and staked mine for a month to receive the max.

One thing to note for LST’s is that when you stake or swap to one of these, that is a taxable event. So I swapped most of mine to lst’s and now that Solana has dipped I am tax loss harvesting the difference.

NFT’s - still dead. I’ve been dca’ing Sol and bought a few more Quekz for the bag, seem undervalued and if I’m buying anything I’m buying Quekz.

Sahil? Who tf is this guy? He hacks celebrity’s twitter, launches coins, and then dumps them. Like how many laws does this guy blatantly break? Seems like a huge net negative to the space and all these celebs getting scammed is bad news. But at this point that news is small potatoes compared to all thats being shipped.

The Dramas of Thomas Bahamas
Solana Weekly
All the happenings on Solana, from NFT's to Defi to rugs. Compiled weekly to get you the information you need to understand the big picture.