The Dramas of Thomas Bahamas
Solana Weekly
Solana Weekly #69 - Roaring Kitty And The Memestock to Memecoin Movement

Solana Weekly #69 - Roaring Kitty And The Memestock to Memecoin Movement

What's up everybody it's Thomas Bahamas and you are here for another episode of Solana Weekly. This is a special one because it's the infamous number 69 and it got me reflecting on why I started this pod. There weren’t many other podcasts, there was a massive misunderstanding of Solana, I felt like if you were in crypto you needed to pay attention to what was happening. There wasn’t anyone doing this so I just started making the show I wanted. I’ve loved doing it and putting together my thoughts on a weekly basis has been a game changer for me. Shout out to all you for being here and let’s get back to it.

Roaring kitty is back, meme stocks are back, 23,000 meme coins being created a day on Solana. Wall street bets tweets about Solana Summer constantly, is the great forever cycle of memecoins upon us?

Solana Price: 153.14 - Pretty good pump from the lows of 138 and hope we keep this momentum up.

SOLETH - .05150 - we're back.

SOLBTC - .002359- looking solid.

To get back to the memecoins, it's pure insanity out in these streets. Eth used to always talk about how crypto was going to tokenize everything, where in reality Solana actually just created a memecoin for everything. With Roaring Kitty coming back we're seeing anything and everything pumping, and Wall Street Bets keeps tweeting about Solana Summer. What's the connection here? We're not really sure, but it's looking like a pretty amazing setup. I missed the GME trade while sidelined in Bitcoin only mode, but I would imagine that all the apes haven't just been sitting on the sidelines. The move was GME, AMC, then Doge. So have they moved over to Solana? Are they aping Bonk? It sure seems like it.

Look people don’t come to crypto looking to evaluate business models and cash flows, they are here to run up a stack and that’s what we are seeing.

The CPI numbers look good this morning so all our coins go up, meanwhile our man Donalt has flipped full bear and thinks the cycle has topped. Which way modern man?

I think we are seeing the divide between the older cycle winners and the next generation. Shitcoins, hypergambling, and have taken over the traditional BTC, LTC, and DOGE. I'm not exactly sure how sustainable this is or how healthy it is for the market, but it's getting traction. brought in more revenue than Solana itself did.

Solana generated more Transaction Fees and MEV than Ethereum in a single day.

Solana fees and mev have outperformed ETH for the first time ever. This is huge and is only proving out the Solana thesis of more transactions at a cheaper price are good.

Information diets. Trying to build a Wall Street journal for myself for what’s going on in solana and what I’ve done.

Solana users have been the winners of this market so far. In the bear market all the devs were actively looking for users and feedback and we could bitch about things and get them fixed.

Poker to crypto strategies: sizing, being at the right table, knowing when you’re the sucker, pvp in NFTs and how none of that transfers to memcoins.

A day in the life of a manlet:

Check airdropsz

Max stake all solana in lsts and get rewarded in more than just the solana rewards.

Use helium as a cell provider and get free cell service.

Have a back up phone or two with hardware wallet built in.

Walk 10k + steps in moonwalk to hit your goal and not lose money.

Learn Reddit all over again to see what the Wall Street bets are up to.

Check your memecoins, avoid getting trapped in the memes.

Weekly check on foxes for missions and what goodies they get.

Weekly check on bonkrewards to get rewards and see if worth restaking.

The Dramas of Thomas Bahamas
Solana Weekly
All the happenings on Solana, from NFT's to Defi to rugs. Compiled weekly to get you the information you need to understand the big picture.